i got my giraffe silly band back. booyah.
i went to waffle house with my dad and saw this in the parking lot. poor sprees. im thinking that this catastrophe made some kid cry. but they did pose for a nice photograph.
this is my dad. he really is the best dad anyone could ask for. he has taught me many valuable life lessons and is always here for me. we share a lot of common interests such as photography, old cars, computer design, driving stickshift, shooting guns, etc. i dont know if he ever wanted a son, but i think i've been a good daughter who likes guy things. haha.
my dad and i get along great, and i am so grateful for that. we view life similarly and we tend to agree most of the time. he's awesome.
hm, what to talk about, what to talk about.
friends. that seems like a good topic. isnt it weird how friends are? i've seen groupd of "friends" who do everything together, but talk to one another about eachother behind thier backs. is that friendship? i dont think so.
some friends fade away, slowly and gently letting eachother go. some drop their friend like a hot potato, quick and sudden. some stick to you like glue and some are just there when you need them. some are totally trustworthy and try to be a friend a friend would like to have, and others stab their friends in the back. its all too confusing. and some let you down without even acknowledging it. by way of blowing you off or making plans and not inviting you. but i think everyone can be a little bit of those. i guess just try to be a friend a friend would like to have.
that was me rambling.
hello and welcome to my brain.
i really hope all of you have had a great week and are super excited to start a new one! woohoo!
"kiss me, down by the broken tree house. swing me, upon it's hanging tire. bring bring, bring your flowered hat. we'll take the trail marked on your father's map. oh, kiss me, beneath the milky twilight. lead me, out on the moolit floor lift your open hand, strike up the band and make the fireflies dance. silver moon sparkling, so kiss me. "
goodbye, for now.
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